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When it comes to bullying one thing is certain: no one is a fan of it. The long term trauma from even the mildest form of bullying, if there is such a thing, can have affects that play a role in a person’s insecurities as well as lifestyle for years to come. Even worse, chronic bullying can cause not only social issues but personal issues such as addictive behaviors which can inhibit one’s future opportunities. Put bluntly; bullying sucks! There are not many videos out there more gratifying than a bullied adolescent getting revenge.
In the video below we see a student who has allegedly been the victim of the other student’s bullying and has finally had enough. In an almost joking manner he decides to respond to the bully when confronted by making slightly underhanded remarks to the bully while his classmates look on. There is no doubt that the student’s confidence has come from the fact that he is surrounded by his peers in an enclosed space but none the less he decides to take action.
The bully proceeds to push him at which point the student grabs the bully’s arms and tells him not to touch him. The bully will simply not let it go and after being taunted, which is more than likely out of the ordinary and no doubt embarrassing as the event is playing out in front of what one can only assume is a growing crowd, the bully decides to knee the student in the groin.